I’ve been sitting here and thinking about how I want to begin my “Posting.”
My mind wandered, as minds do, into thinking about all the changes I’m making and will continue to make: Posting, new website (check it out gloriasconnecting.com) basically becoming social media up-to-speed, not to mention the fact that I’m moving from my rural island of Hawaii back to a metropolitan city on the mainland, and plan on making much bigger career changes once I get there.
I figure since I’m deep in thought about my changes that’s the perfect subject to begin with, after all, everyone goes through changes.
I love how thoughts take on a mind of their own – now I’m excited by a new thought – check this out – I will expand on my Soulful Insights by creating a monthly theme and expanding on that theme throughout the month.
So for the next several weeks I will expand on my Soulful Insight theme regarding changes.
To Begin…Soulful Insight # 1 Change
I’m pretty sure we all want to experience the fullness that life has to offer. I understand that in order to live in life’s fullness we have to grow, with growth comes change. Change is a fact that we cannot escape.
I don’t know about you but often when I think of making a change I think about what I’m leaving behind (Hawaii for instance) or about my losses. I wonder how I may feel if I were to focus on what I’m moving into or my gains.
We all know the importance of focusing our thoughts and our energy, on our advantages, gains, and opportunities. Yet… sometimes the Big F word FEAR takes over. Since not growing is unimaginable, therefore change is a must; we need to do whatever we can to get our thoughts and feelings on the right track, to get our FEAR under control.
Here is a picture/visualization to help us soothe our hesitation to accept change in our lives thus to grow with more ease and less fear.
Breathe deeply in and out of your heart region and relax your physical body.
Once you feel deeply relaxed see yourself cradled in the arms of Beloved Creator or Angels or whatever you spiritually relate to.
Hear the Heavenly One whispering soothing loving words, words that comfort, e.g. you are protected, you are loved, and you are safe in all your moments.
Allow yourself the luxury of feeling the safety and the love. Just be with the comforting energy until you feel a calmness permeating within.
Once you are connected to the love and safety you can then imagine any change you need or want to make while resting in the arms of the Glorious One and affirm:
“Change is natural and I AM safe to change with Spirit” (Creator, angel, use whatever word here reflects your beliefs).
You may want to write this affirmation and read it regularly as well as repeat the visualization whenever you feel any hesitation or fear regarding change.
Change is our only way to further our growth, to be all that we are meant to be.
So let’s call upon our Divine Loved Ones to assist us so we may relax into our natural state of change and live our lives to the fullest!