Sometimes we forget that we change. We forget our own growth. We change and grow and forget to tell ourselves. We become more of who we are, we let go of who we’re not, we become believers of (fill in the blank), or non-believers of (fill it in), we rise, we fall, we transform, and we CHANGE!

This became quite apparent to me recently when I perused an old journal. I was so astounded I began looking through other past journals…and lo and behold! I’ve CHANGED!!

Here’s a peek at some of my changes:

  • I believed that I had to stand up for my rights. Now I know that I just have to own them and there will be nothing to stand up against.
  • I once thought that women who stayed home with their children were not liberated. Thank goodness I let go of this one. I now believe with all my heart that to be able to stay home with a child (if it’s your passion to do so) is a gift and doesn’t make you less of…anything!
  • I remember after going through a self-help course I thought everyone should know about it, because it was the WAY! Whew…I’m glad that no one took so much offence that they let me have it! These days I know there are many WAYS!
  • I use to think that looking perfect was cool, now I get that cool is when your being YOURSELF!
  • There was a time when I thought it was my duty to tell someone the truth about them. I’m deeply grateful and much relieved that now I understand that if someone doesn’t ask or if they’re not paying me to tell them, then it’s not my business.
  • During my earlier years I wanted to succeed to prove; my life now, I want to succeed to be of service.
  • I abhorred writing – anything, everything…in my present life…I actually own writing books and jumped in glee when receiving a gift subscription to Writer’s Digest.
  • I couldn’t stand mushrooms, boy do I love them now!
  • Eating healthy…well in my mind that meant not buying fast food. Today I make protein drinks, eat mostly vegetarian meals, and even take vitamins (okay so I still have fast food every once in awhile).
  • I believed angels were mystical figures. Today I converse with them.
  • I use to feel so lost when someone I loved passed (moved into light and love) because I believed the love was gone. I now know the love never leaves…so grateful for this new belief especially since my Mother made her transition in Jan.

Compared to the old me the new me is much softer, more compassionate, less judgmental, more intuitive, more accepting, and so much more peaceful…perfect I’m not, (at least not in personality) but boy do I breathe easier, and my day to day life…just keeps getting better.

What’s the new you like compared to the old you?

It’s important to recognize and give credit to our growth. We are transforming all the time.

How are you different today than you were yesterday?  Write it down and give validity to who you are now compared to who you were.

I would love to hear from you.

Please share one or more of the ways you have grown in the comments section.

Thank you for reading my posts. I appreciate you.

In loving gratitude,



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