It’s good to be back (yes, you’ll be receiving weekly posts again) in all my ups and downs and in-betweens.
My life-a potpourri of colorful emotions- on one end of the spectrum is massive gratitude, joy, and a still Peace that fills my heart like a warm fire. On the other end of that spectrum is deep loss, sadness, and grief that comes in waves.
I’m learning to go with the flow. To experience whatever comes and ride that wave.
I know that the only WAY is through.
It’s not about hurrying the process or suppressing it…it’s about going with the flow.
Being in the present moment and feeling WHATEVER!
Feeling Whatever takes courage but denying feelings, by any method…busyness, addictions, denial, etc. is like putting a veil around our hearts.
I shed my veil, faded and thin
Wisps of whispers, anguished cries, long-held shadows
A Bold Undertaking!
Stripped of pretences
A phoenix rising out of the ashes, mucous still fresh
Bellowing, “FREEDOM!”
My Uns Un-Done
Unfettered, unmasked, unafraid
Un I stand
A Victorious Resurrection
Thanks for being here with me.
In loving gratitude,