I’m on a Candida cleanse and it is making an incredible, positive difference in my life.
When my friend, Adrienne, first told me about the advantages of this Candida Cleanse I felt a strong inner pull. After reading the email she sent about this intense process, although I knew it would be no small feat, I felt I had to do it.
When I ordered the products for my husband and me, I sizzled with enthusiasm.
But a couple of days before I planned to start the cleanse, I came close to talking myself right out of doing it: What will I go through physically and emotionally? What about my business, will I be able to keep up? Can I really give up carbohydrates and sweets for 45 days? Will the cleanse affect my relationship with my husband? Can I do it?
Isn’t it funny (ironic) that when we are about to make a change that will benefit us… we have a tendency to focus on our fears.
The moment I was about to change my life to reflect my desire for better health, I was ready to give in to my fearful second thoughts.
How many times do we start to make a life-change only to talk (fear) our way out of it?
We like the known. It’s comfortable and familiar.
How can we blindly follow a new path when we don’t know what the unknown will bring?
Although we don’t know what the unknown will bring, we can soothe our fears (it is an inner necessity) and prepare ourselves for our life-change.
Soothing Our Fears
- Breathe deeply and in your most loving voice talk-out – why you want the change and how you will benefit from it.
- Look back over your past life-changes that you successfully got through.
- At bedtime, when you are preparing for sleep, create a scenario that you can envision that showcases the positive results of your life-change.
- Call upon a close friend, mentor, and/or family member and ask for their support and encouragement. (You don’t have to move forward alone.)
- Connect through prayer, meditation, or some form of spiritual ritual to ask for divine assistance. (You never have to do anything all by yourself.)
Once your fears are soothed, take action and change your life!
You’ll be glad you did. I know I AM.
How about you, are you ready to make some life changes? Is there a fear(s) that is holding you back?
Begin with soothing your fear(s) and know you can – change your life.
I would love to hear how soothing your fear helps you?
Thank you for your time. I appreciate YOU!
In loving gratitude,