Standing beside the looming hay stack my eyes avert upward.

“Where is the ladder?”

Foot on first rung – my ascension begins.

2nd rung…3rd rung…

“Ouch! A splinter”

Resolved to new heights – I boldly step up.

4th rung…5th rung …6th rung …

White knuckled, I sigh, “A brief pause.”

Glancing up, I yelp, “I’m afraid of heights!”

In frozen stupor, I cry, “Now what?”

The skies lighten – “Climb… climb.”

Almost to the top hay scratches my leg.

“Blood! It’s a sign!”

Foot on the lower rung – my descending begins.

The skies darken – “Fear will always let you down.”

Questions to ask: Is there any place in your life that you are allowing your fear to let you down? If so, what baby step (which can be visualizing the action you want to take) can you take to Rise Higher and continue your ascension?

Thanks for being here with me.

In love and appreciation,


P.S. Friend, I will be traveling over the next month so you’ll be getting some old favorites while I focus on being with family and friends. If you need some assistance I will still be available for Connecting Sessions.

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