Ever fear losing the one you love?

Ever close the door around your heart to make sure that you don’t love him/her too much?

Ever lay awake at night and worry about being left alone?

Whew! So much fear requires so much work.

We may tell ourselves that it’s love that takes work, but…

Love doesn’t take work, fear does!

It’s our fear of loss that creates the work.

Fear around losing love is a belief, not a fact.

The fact is that you can’t lose love.

Yes, you can disengage with someone you love, but it doesn’t mean the love goes away. The love doesn’t go away; it can’t, because the love is inside you.

Your love is what creates the magic…the feeling of connection, the happy heart, the HIGH!

The love you feel comes from YOU!! It’s yours forevermore.

Friend, I’m no different than you, I too have feared the loss of a loved one. I too have had a broken heart.

Yet, my experience has been that once I come home to myself, once I turn my attention to my heart, I discover that the Love hasn’t gone, it’s right there where it’s always been…inside of me.

From my heart to yours – I thank you for being here with me.

In Love and appreciation,


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