
I admit it.

It’s been forever since I’ve written you. (Well, maybe not forever, but a long time)

Friend, I’m happy to report that my much-needed respite is over.

I’m back. And I’m at full-throttle.

Here’s the scoop:

After countless meditating hours, it’s crystal clear that my vacation from writing is over. In fact, not only am I to write, but I’m to go deeper, be more candid, and share in full disclosure my experiences and understandings of the Celestial Kingdom.

No holds barred, I’ll be covering everything – Angels, Ascended Masters, Hall of Records, Other Side friends, Higher Rays, the 12 Faces of God, my personal meditative celestial experiences and messages, and anything else that will assist me in helping you to be – The God that You Are.  (I get that you aren’t familiar with the 12 Faces of God. I wasn’t either until it came to me in meditation but stick with me and you’ll get it and receive untold benefits.)

Being the God that YOU Are


That was my reaction when I first heard it.

After all, only God is God, right?

Or so I thought.

Let me be clear.

To be the GOD that YOU are doesn’t mean that you are the Creator of All That Is, nor does it mean that you are trying to be.

What it does mean: You grow in your God Self, your Highest Best True Self.

Some examples of being the GOD that YOU Are:

  • You make a mistake and it’s a whopper but instead of beating yourself up, or going into a state of depression, you choose to shower yourself with compassionate love and acceptance. (And forgiveness if you feel that’s needed)
  • You’re faced with an opportunity, but you question if you have what it takes. Can I, do it? What if I fail? Am I ready? But instead of letting your doubts stop you, you choose to listen to your heart’s desires and experience the bliss of following your Inner Joy Compass. (More to come on Inner Joy Compass)
  • You’re in the middle of a conversation and you get a lump in your throat and a knot in the pit of your belly. You want to agree and go along but you know your body doesn’t lie. You’re faced with a choice – look good and be out of integrity or let go of what others think and own your integrity. You decide that retaining your integrity is your only choice to grow and stay true to yourself.
  • You wince. Another one! You’ve just heard that one of your old schoolmates has passed on. You wonder if she is okay, and you begin thinking about your own mortality. A sickening feeling rises from your belly. Your fears take over and before you know it, you are battling with your deepest fears – I don’t want to die. Life is too short. What will happen to me when I’m gone? Will I still exist? Then you hear from your true God Presence the truth of you – The essence of you never dies. You will always be you. You will always exist. You never have a moment that you are not you. You are eternal. And you have everlasting eternal life.
  • You pull out your list and your shoulders tense up, your stomach tightens, and you want to scream, “STOP!” This time instead of ignoring your warnings, you heed their call. You breathe a real breath, deep and full. In that breath you feel it, you feel what your natural rhythm is crying out for you to follow. Without hesitation, you crumble your list and toss it where it belongs, in the trash can. Instant relief. One with your rhythm, you flow with your day harmoniously.

What do you think?

Ready to have your true self mirrored back to you with love and compassion? Ready to join me in being the GOD that YOU are?

Here are your choices:

  • Receive a weekly newsletter rich in Godly Goodies right in your email box and
  • Audio Fiery Truths (life-changing messages from the Most-High and other Godly Goodies), and
  • A community monthly Q & A.

If you choose the weekly option, the cost is $5.00 per month, which allows me more time to write.


  • Receive a FREE monthly newsletter that also brims with Godly Goodies.

Join here

Whichever you choose, I’m grateful for your presence. Thank you.

Please note: I will send one reminder but after that, I will not write to you again unless you respond. In the future, I will be hosting my blogs/newsletters on Substack, which if you respond Yes, will come directly into your email box.

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