To be, or not to be, happy

Ever feel like you only have a container of happiness? As if the amount of happiness you may have is limited? Once your container is full, that’s it, that’s all the happiness you are allowed. Or maybe you believe that when happiness containers were being dished out,...

Your Lending Ear – A Poem to the Beloved

I cry in the wilderness the howl of a lone wolf

Echoing across the mountain tops, whispering in the winds, riding on the wings of a dove

Hear My Call

I stampede across the terrain the fury of wild mustangs

Crashing against nature, imprinting the hard earth, racing to the edge

Hear My Call

Roll the dice

If when playing a game you hold tightly to the dice in your hand and fail to roll them, you will not get anywhere in the game. The same is true of life. You have to roll the dice. No amount of planning can take the place of action. Yes, there is a place and time for...

It’s Not about Being Right – It’s about the JOY

I’m sitting in her energy before her session. (It’s akin to tuning into a specific radio station, well, kind of) I feel bubbles of joy, much like being tickled from the inside. Then I hear Pennies from Heaven song. WOW, I know this is going to be FUN! She answers, and...

A Valentine – for YOU

Your Creator is whispering to you. Can you hear your Beloved? Shh…listen… You who are a Beam of Light You who are Loved without Condition You who has the Grace of your Creator You who are Bathed in Infinite Possibilities You who has Perfect Freedom You who are Created...